
I swear I'm poor at introductions, but I'll try. I'm Claire, 20-year old something online enthusiast from the Pearl of the Orient Seas. I've been passionately writing my thoughts online since 2005 through various platforms – Xanga, Livejournal, Diaryland, Tumblr. I have a thing for anything blue, may it be the sky, the sea, and even my bed sheet.

Physically, I'm often mistaken as a high schooler because of my height. I see this as a compliment, though. Socially, I'm awkwardly silent at first; eventually, I become talkative and straightforward with my words.

I don't have a luxurious lifestyle, yet I still write my experiences for me to reminisce those moments that made a huge impact in my life and hopefully inspire others in a positive way. Writing, for me, is simply a passion that never tires – well, I find updating my blog at times too tiring because I often get stuck in making sensible introductions.

Seriously, this is getting boring to read, so I'll just stop here.